The Coming Wave vol 12

Containment is the overarching ability to control, limit, and, if need be, close down technologies at any stage of their development or deployment. It means, in some circumstances, the ability to stop a technology from proliferating in the first place, checking the ripple, and so the need for the containment grows more acute over time.

lk 36

Mida vanemaks, seda paremaks – aga ikkagi vanemaks vol 11

Keset sügavaimat ööd. Kell on 3.27 hommikul, ühekorraga nii liiga hilja kui ka liiga vara. Oled tähele pannud, et sellised öö läbi üleval istumised on sageli seotud kuu faasidega. Aga kui jõuad suhtelises zombi-olekus töö juurde ja keegi ütleb “jaa, täna oli kuuldavasti täiskuu, aga kas sa tõesti usud seda jama?”, hakkavad su sisemuses end ilmutama mõrvarlikud tungid, mida sa eales oodanud poleks.

lk 188

The Coming Wave vol 7

The irony of general-purpose technologies is that, before long, they become invisible and we take them for granted. Language, agriculture, writing—each was general purpose technology at the center of an early wave. These three waves formed the foundation of civilization as we know it. Now we take them for granted

lk 27